Tuesday 11 September 2007

September 11th 2001

On this day when the world remembers so many souls who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001, I would like to share some wisdom from Cheryl Richardson. Cheryl is a Life Coach and the author of many books. She hosts a radio show on the Hay House website.
In her current newsletter, she shares what she calls her Annual Remembrance Ritual and has freely given her consent for people to print it, share it and discuss it with others. She invites us all to ask ourselves the following questions and record the answers in a journal:
· Am I pleased with how I'm spending my precious time on earth?

· Am I spending enough quality time with the people who matter most?

· Am I doing my best to listen to the voice of my soul so I make real, honest choices based on what I most want?

· If today were my last day on earth, would I feel good about what I'm leaving behind?

· Am I sharing (or working toward sharing) my God-given gifts and talents with others?

· Are there any petty disagreements or differences that I need to let go of once and for all?

· Is there someone I need to forgive?
Food for thought huh? And maybe a ritual we should practice more than just once a year.
To read Cheryl's full newsletter, go to her website at http://www.cherylrichardson.com/.

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